Selecting the right contracting strategies for construction works is vital and shall commensurate with the construction execution plan and availability of resources.


Complete our enquiry form to discover how Petrocontracts can make the difference in your organization by providing remarkable business management consultancy and support services.

The selection of the most appropriate commercial & contracting strategies is vital for EPC construction works and needs to be aligned with the construction execution strategies and plan and availability of resources. Incorrect or inappropriate strategies impact the construction progress and jeopardizes the project completion.

Such an impact on construction leads to claims & overruns. Disputes that could easily been avoided in the first place can result in sizeable delays potentially costing millions. The focus should be always on selecting the right commercial & contract strategy through an appropriate risk assessment process.

Petrocontracts has in-depth experience in capturing such issues while developing pragmatic contracting strategies. Our proven contract management methodologies enable us to provide early advice on how contracts can be optimized and managed to avoid claims, and also in the event of that claims do arise, how they are best managed. 

Our Services Include:


  • Audit of tendering documents/bidding files
  • Contractual and financial risk analysis
  • Development of commercial & contracting strategies in line with Project & construction execution strategies
  • Contractual assistance  to the client’s teams for drafting and checking contractual documents
  • Defence strategy against overpayment


  • Development of contract management processes and procedures, as required
  • Drafting of contractual / commercial letters pertaining to contract administration
  • Quantity surveying and quantity control
  • Cost audit and proposals for corrective actions
  • Claims and contract variations Assistance
  • Claim file analysis and negotiation process
  • Support Permanent defense strategy against time & cost
  • Overruns / Pre-contention settlement as to what is fair time & cost
  • Contract management training to project team (project managers, buyers, contract engineers, project controllers)

Project close-out:

  • Settlement of the final account
  • Assistance in dispute resolution
  • Assistance to lawyers in compiling supporting arbitration files
  • Commercial settlement strategies and negotiations


·  Dispute expert witnesses

·  Expert advisory

Project Management Services

Proposal & Estimation Services

·  Construction Cost Management

Contracts & Sub-Contracts Management

Claims Management

·  COVID 19 Claim Management

·  Claims Preparation & Defense

·  Dispute Avoidance & Resolution

·  Forensic Planning

Engineering Services

Business Representation

Resource Management

Durg Manglam Projects Pvt. Ltd
