Dispute Avoidance & Resolution

Contractual disputes can prove detrimental & costly affair & thus the best way is to avoid descending into dispute.


Complete our enquiry form to discover how Petrocontracts can make the difference in your organization by providing remarkable business management consultancy and support services.

Contractual disputes can prove detrimental & costly affair & thus the best way is to avoid descending into dispute, combating these issues is to be prepared before they arise. 

  • Knowing your contract and change management are crucial,
  • A detailed risk management plan is needed to avoid disputes
  • Select the right contract model for the project
  • Minimizing errors and omissions.
  • Effective schedule management
  • Documentation
  • From the outset of the project, it is vital.

The above points are a guideline to prevent an issue becoming a dispute.  

Petrocontracts services include:

  • Careful analysis of key project risks
  • Preparing comprehensive contract administration procedures
  • Contract administration & performance monitoring
  • Progress updates and audits
  • Specialist planning & project controls, & recommending suitable controls solutions
  • Schedule risk analysis

In the event of contractual dispute in spite of all measures to avoid, it is important that dispute is resolved without any delay. Petrocontracts have extensive experience in investigating the root cause and reasons behind contractual stand-still and project delays and providing expert & independent advice as to how to best proceed for a win-win outcome.

Our Services include:

  • Dispute resolution strategy and management
  • Strategic negotiation
  • Independent expert advisor services
  • Acting as mediator expert on the like of arbitrator or adjudicator
  • Expert Witness


·  Dispute expert witnesses

·  Expert advisory

Project Management Services

Proposal & Estimation Services

·  Construction Cost Management

Contracts & Sub-Contracts Management

Claims Management

·  COVID 19 Claim Management

·  Claims Preparation & Defense

·  Dispute Avoidance & Resolution

·  Forensic Planning

Engineering Services

Business Representation

Resource Management

Durg Manglam Projects Pvt. Ltd
